Meet Our Clients



In a 2022 survey, three out of four Bottomless Clients who were working, credited our interview and job readiness programs with helping them succeed. Betty is one of these women.

Like more than 1,000 women in 2022, Betty used our 1:1 interview and job preparation services to get back to work. Betty had been unemployed since January 2021 when her company decided to outsource her department and she was laid off.

Determined to enhance her job security, Betty took time to become certified in Medical Coding and Billing. When she came to Bottomless Closet in September 2022, she had completed her certifications and even had an interview lined up at Weill Cornell Medical Center. Betty had the skills, but having been out of work for 18 months, she knew she lacked confidence.

“Bottomless Closet gave me the confidence I needed to be successful,” Betty recalls. “I looked fantastic in the clothing for my interview!”

Betty’s skills and new found confidence paid off and she was hired right away at Weill Cornell. Having been successful in her interview, she was thrilled to come back to Bottomless Closet for a Post-Hire appointment to ensure she was well placed to start her new job on the right foot and set herself up for success.

“I could not wait to come back to Bottomless Closet, ring the hired bell and celebrate this new career journey,” Betty says.

Bottomless Closet Donor Betty