Meet Our Clients



At the start 2022, Charlene had been homeless for five years. Determined to create a new future for herself, she put a plan together. The first step of the plan was working in temporary jobs but she knew she needed additional help to be successful – specifically interview coaching and computer skills. She found both – and more – at Bottomless Closet.

“I was living in a shelter and enrolled in a Bottomless Closet computer class,” Charlene says. “I was shocked to also see the variety of clothing displayed beautifully and with such care. I knew I was in the right place.”

In addition to the computer classes, Charlene worked 1:1 with a Bottomless Closet Career Coach on her job search, including updating her resume, honing her interviewing skills, creating an “elevator pitch” and finding a new, professional look. In October, Charlene was hired as a homeless outreach specialist and has just moved out of the shelter into her own apartment!

“I wore the outfit I received at Bottomless Closet for my interview. Having practiced with my Career Coach, I felt ready and confident I would be successful.” — Charlene, Bottomless Closet client

Thanks to the generosity of donors like you and her own determination and resilience, after five years of homelessness and unemployment, Charlene will start 2023 with a new job and living in her own home.

Bottomless Closet Donor Charlene